Special Collection: Local Authors

ALM - Almanacs

AR - Annual Reports

B - Biography (Individual)

CEM - Burial Records

CEN - Census Records

CHU - Church Records

COLLB - Collective biography

DIR - Directories or Gazetteers

EDU - School Records

ELC - Election Records

FIC - Fiction

GEN - Geneaology

LAW - Law

LH - Local History

MAP - Maps

MEDIA - Audio-Visual, Media, Digitial

MIL - Military Records

MUN - Municipal Records

NF - Non-fiction

PRO - Probate Records

SPAA - Special Collection: African-American History

SPCB - Special Collection: Cookbooks

SPCH - Special Collection: Religion

SPCW - Special Collection: Civil War

SPLA - Special Collection: Local Authors

SPOFF - Special Collection: Office

SPSJ - Special Collection: Sheldon Jackson

Title Author Date
Songs of the Western Gateway WW Christman 1930
Wild Pasture Pine WW Christman 1933
AESOP'S Fables in verse Warren Liddle 1971
Hill Farm Fred Lape 1976
A Garden of Trees and Shrubs Fred Lape 1965
What is it the Mountains Say? Manfred Wise 1958
Lincoln's Docgtor's Dog A collection of Poems for Children 8 to 80 Warren Liddle 1981
Return to Earth Warren Liddle 1985
Back Home Warren Liddle
Blood and Stone Warren Liddle 1991
Gravestones &Griddle Tales of My Granfather Warren Liddle 1975
The Fumblefinch and other Nonsense Warren Liddle 1992
Before Garages Warren Liddle 1990
The Way We Were Warren Liddle 1988
Duanesburg Land of Mills Warren Liddle 1984
Other Days Other Ways Warren Liddle 1982
Silent Hooves Warren Liddle 1986
Verses Helen McDonald
Days Before Yesterday Warren Liddle
Poems Ruth Rockwell Putnam
The Storm William Pitt Root 1969
Songs of the Helderhills WW Christman 1926-1931
Croquet Under the Elms Fred Lape 1987
The New York University Law School Pat and Present Leslie Jay Thomas 1904
Lily in the Box Meg Anderson Argo 2010
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