Biography (Individual)

ALM - Almanacs

AR - Annual Reports

B - Biography (Individual)

CEM - Burial Records

CEN - Census Records

CHU - Church Records

COLLB - Collective biography

DIR - Directories or Gazetteers

EDU - School Records

ELC - Election Records

FIC - Fiction

GEN - Geneaology

LAW - Law

LH - Local History

MAP - Maps

MEDIA - Audio-Visual, Media, Digitial

MIL - Military Records

MUN - Municipal Records

NF - Non-fiction

PRO - Probate Records

SPAA - Special Collection: African-American History

SPCB - Special Collection: Cookbooks

SPCH - Special Collection: Religion

SPCW - Special Collection: Civil War

SPLA - Special Collection: Local Authors

SPOFF - Special Collection: Office

SPSJ - Special Collection: Sheldon Jackson

Title Author Date
Give Me My Father's Body: The Life of Minik, The New York Eskimo Kenn Harper 1986
Abraham Lincoln George McGovern 2009
The Life and Public Service of Abraham Lincoln: Sixteenth President of the United States together with his State papers Henry J. Raymond 1865
Sketch of Life and Labors of Miss Catherine S. Lawrence 1893
Lincoln's Life Story and Speeches Paul Selby 1902
The Lincoln Nobody Knows Richard N. Current 1958
Lincoln's Youth: Ondiana Years Seven to Twenty-one 1816-1830 Louis A. Warren 1991
Colonel James Livingston: The Forgotten Livingston Patriot of the War of Independence James F. Morrison, ed. 1988
A Short Summary of General Richard Montgomery Jacqueline Murphy
Lincoln A. Pictorial History Edward Steers, Jr. 1993
Daniel Morgan: Revolutionary Rifleman Dan Higginbotham 1961
Remembering Grandma Moses Beth Moses Hickok
Tim Murphy Morgan Rifleman and other Ballads A. M. Sullivan 1947
Timothy, Murphy Herd of the American Revolution Michael J. O'Brien 1941
Eighty Years and More Elizabeth Cady Stanton 1971
The Story of My Life or the Sunshine and Shadow of Seventy Years Mary A. Livermore 1898
Eliphalet Nott Codman Hislop 1971
Printer's Devil to Publisher: Adolph S. Ochs of the New York Times Doris Faber 1996
Marcus Peck Letters of a Civil War Soldier and His Family Marcus Peck 1993
William H. Seward an Autobiography Frederick W. Seward 1891
Sketch of the Life and Public Service of Arios Pilsbury Arios Pilsbury 1860
Horatio Seymour of New York Stewart Mitchell 1938
Memoirs of General W. T. Sherman Gen. W. T. Sherman 1891
Don Sickles, Hero of Gettysburg & Yankee King of Spain Edgcumb Pinchon 1945
Steuben Secret Aid for the Americans 1982
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